ACER LLN resources for teaching and learning
Core Skills Profile for Adults
Online assessments to identify individuals' literacy and numeracy skills, aligned to the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF).
Literacy Face to Face
Read Write Now was one of the reference groups that contributed to this publication. It has been developed to assist volunteer adult literacy tutors (and was used in our Tutor Training). The full document in PDF form can be downloaded at no charge. It is a great resource.
Reading Writing Hotline
The hotline is a free national referral service for adults seeking help with their literacy. On the website there are student stories, student resources and a good collection of tutor resources as well.
Great site for learners and teachers, English speaking and English Second Language. There is a huge variety of literacy and numeracy quizzes, vocabulary, grammar, news, cooking, games and lesson plans.
NALA is the National Adult Literacy Agency, Ireland. This is an excellent site for tutors and learners where over a thousand resources can be downloaded for free - workbooks and worksheets on a huge variety of topics including English, maths, technology, work and personal development. Be ready to download quite a bit of information!
Superteacher Worksheets
Aimed at children but still useful. Although now membership based, this site still has many excellent Free Printable worksheets. English (including Reading), Maths, Science, Puzzles & Brainteasers (including Sudoku).
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Teacher created materials with American themes, aimed at children. But you might want to use these: Word Shape or Handwriting Worksheet Generator, Word Search Maker. There are Lesson Plans, some of which could be used with adults.